Sticky Notes

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Unique Ways To Use Sticky Notes

The power of a Sticky note: 5 Unique Ways to use Sticky Notes:


It's no secret that everyone loves sticky notes, but can you blame them? These little sticky notes are colorful, and can be used numerous ways. They're ideal for writing ideas, organizing your thoughts, and motivating you to accomplish things. Discover how to utilize sticky notes to help you. It is all up to you to wield the power of a sticky note. Here are the top five uses for sticky notes:

1.    Use them As Bookmarks:

Make a bookmark out of a sticky note for those of you who have a planner and are always losing pages. Grab a small sticky note and put each section at the top of the page where there is no sticky portion, along with the section name, to keep it easily available for simple access.

2.    Using it in the Workplace to Share Ideas:

Suppose you have a shared wall area in your workspace. In that case, you can tell everyone to write sticky notes with their ideas - whether a proposal for a promotional campaign, a tip for enhancing communication, or a compliment on someone's performance.

3.    Reading Practice:

As students read, you can give them some phrases to hunt and have them write the words down on sticky notes.

4.    Funky Wall Décor:

Sticky notes come in bright colors and come in large quantities. If you are a creative soul, you can spice up your cubicle or your wall in your room with some colorful sticky notes, and you can even make patterns and make it look even cooler.

5.    Highlight Something Important:

One of the fundamental uses of Sticky notes is that you can use them for highlighting some important tasks. Whether it is reminding you to get a doctor's appointment or simply jotting down some steps, sticky notes are the way!