Sticky Notes

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How Underground Techno Clubs Use Sticky Notes to Protect Privacy

In the high-tech world we live in, where surveillance is almost a given, the need for privacy is becoming increasingly paramount. This is especially true in underground techno clubs, where the emphasis on anonymity and freedom of expression is vital. One of the most intriguing, low-tech solutions to this high-tech problem is the humble sticky note. This simple office supply is being used to cover camera lenses in some of the world's most famous underground techno clubs, ensuring that attendees can enjoy a worry-free, immersive experience.

Why Cover Cameras?

Techno clubs are spaces where freedom of expression is celebrated. The relentless beats and immersive lighting set the stage for a unique experience that many wish to keep private. While capturing memories on camera is a natural impulse, this act can be invasive in such spaces. It interrupts the collective trance and could make people uneasy about letting loose. Consequently, many techno clubs ban photography altogether. But in an age where almost everyone has a smartphone with a camera, enforcing such a ban can be complicated.

The Simplicity of Sticky Notes

Enter the sticky note—a simple yet effective tool for covering up those camera lenses. At club entrances, security personnel can quickly stick these over the cameras of any smartphones entering the space, usually after a mandatory check-in process. A small "X" can be drawn over the sticky note to signal that the phone has been checked and cleared. Because sticky notes are easily removable, they cause no damage to the phones and can be taken off as patrons leave the club.

Examples of Clubs Doing It

Clubs like Berlin's Berghain and Tresor have been known for strict no-photography policies, which help maintain the aura of mystery that makes these spaces legendary. In cities like Detroit and Chicago, where techno has historic roots, clubs like TV Lounge and Smartbar also implement similar practices to preserve the purity of the experience. By using sticky notes, these clubs make a strong statement about the importance of privacy and the lengths to which they will go to protect it.

Beyond Privacy

The use of sticky notes also serves another purpose: it levels the social field. When everyone knows that no one is taking pictures for Instagram or Snapchat, people are more likely to be present and enjoy the experience for what it is. There's no posturing for social media or worry about how one looks; the focus returns to the music, the dance, and the communal experience.


In a world where high-tech solutions are often sought for every problem, the use of sticky notes to cover camera lenses in techno clubs serves as a poignant reminder that sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. Clubs that adopt this practice send a clear message: privacy matters, the experience is paramount, and sometimes going "low-tech" is the best way to respond to the challenges of a high-tech world.