Sticky Notes

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Sticky Notes: Essential Tools For Every Successful Business



When it comes to the business world, you have to be very productive, disciplined and organized. You have to have a mind that is sharp and can retain a ton of information. But being human, we are prone to errors and liable to forget. Sticky Notes (Post-It Notes) are a must-have tool for every business owner.

The Birth Of The Sticky

The Sticky Note was invented in 1968, by a scientist named Spencer Silver. Dr. Silver worked for 3M, where he was tasked with developing an overwhelmingly strong and heavy-duty adhesive. He failed and created a lightweight adhesive that would go on to evolve into what it is today.

An Important Tool Everyone Should Posses

Sticky Notes empower us to never forget any important information again. Leave notes for your colleagues on files and documents. Just dot down important dates, times and events on these useful little pads, stick there where they can’t be missed, and have peace of mind that the message will be delivered, even if it’s for yourself.

Manage Your work-flow With Sticky Notes

Create a daily to-do list on your wall with sticky notes. Arrange them from most important to least by placing them from top to bottom. You can even use different colored pens or pencils and have a color-coded system. Once you’ve finished a task ball up the Sticky Note and shoot it in the trash bin.

Sticky Notes help with everything from bookmarks, to notes about picking up some almond milk, important appointments and messages. They’re so convenient and a must-have for every business to run like a well-oiled machine.